Talk to us about assisted reproduction for single women, egg donation and freezing of eggs

Are you interested in assisted reproduction for single women, egg donation or freezing your eggs?

The laws on Biotechnology have changed, and we want to be accessible for you if you are interested in the new services that are coming: assisted reproduction for single women, egg donation, and the opportunity to freeze your eggs. You can book a free call where we set aside 20 minutes, for a chat about any questions you may have. You will meet one of our knowledgable professionals. They have different backgrounds, but everyone will be able to help you clarify the questions you have – either in the appointment or by an additional call afterwards. 

You can schedule the time that suits you best in our online bookingsystem.

Who is it for?

How much does it cost?

Nothing. We will set aside these 20 minutes just for you, so that you can get the answers you need to move forward.

Book your appointment directly in our online booking