Price list - gynecologist and assisted reproduction (IVF)

Below you can see the prices of our different services in different categories. You select the category by clicking the names of the different services, e.g. “Assisted reproduction (IVF)” to see the prices for the different types of assisted reproduction. 

Choose treatment

Fertility check couple – man and woman

From 3.200,-

The fertility check is for couples who have been trying to get pregnant for a while, are worried about your fertility or want to use the information to better plan for the future. The content of the check is adapted to you, and you will get a thorough examination and advise and counseling on what you should do next.

A sperm sample analysis is included if needed. An examination of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes have an additional cost for use of materials (450,- – 1.200).

The cost of any blood tests are in addition, and are paid for where the blood sample is taken, normally with us, a local doctor’s office/hospital or Fürst.

Fertility check couple - two women where one is examined

From 2.600,-

This service is relevant for female couples who want to start treatment to become parents and where one women wants a examination.

An examination of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes have an additional cost for use of materials (450,- – 1.200).

The cost of any blood tests are in addition, and are paid for where the blood sample is taken, normally with us, a local doctor’s office/hospital or Fürst.

Double fertility check couple - two women where both are examined

From 3.200,-

This service is relevant for female couples who want to start treatment to become parents and where both women want a examination.

This includes extended consultation time. An examination of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes  have an additional cost for use of materials (450,- – 1.200) per woman.

The cost of any blood tests are in addition, and are paid for where the blood sample is taken, normally with us, a local doctor’s office/hospital or Fürst.

Fertility check – one person or single

From 2.600,-

The fertility check is suitable for you if you are concerned about your fertility, want to use the information to better plan for the future or are starting assisted reproduction treatment as a single person.

For the woman this includes a consultation with a gynecologist where we assess your fertility.  For the man it includes a sperm sample analysis and a conversation with a doctor if needed. The man can also do just a simple semen sample analysis, without consulting a doctor. 

An examination of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes  have an additional cost for use of materials (450,- – 1.200).

The cost of any blood tests are in addition, and are paid for where the blood sample is taken, normally with us, a local doctor’s office/hospital or Fürst.

Sperm sample


A sperm sample is usually taken as part of a fertility examination or a fertility check, but you can also book an appointment for just this. You deliver the sample that you take either at the clinic or at home and receive an answer from the laboratory the same day by phone.

Analysis of DNA damage in men’s sperm (Sperm Comet Test)


A second-generation test to detect DNA damage in sperm in case of male infertility. The analysis is done at our partner Examens laboratory in England. The price includes transport of sperm to England, DNA analysis as well as assessment and feedback. The price of the sample is somewhat higher if it is done based on a sample with very few sperm or on sperm taken from testicular tissue.

Diagnostic hysteroscopy


Hysteroscopy means that the doctor uses a special instrument, the hysteroscope, to examine the inside of the woman’s uterus. A light cable and a video camera are attached to the hysteroscope so that the doctor can see the inside of the uterus on a screen. When the doctor is only there to examine, it is called a diagnostic hysteroscopy.

Therapeutic hysteroscopy


Hysteroscopy means that the doctor uses a special instrument, the hysteroscope, to examine the inside of the woman’s uterus. A light cable and a video camera are attached to the hysteroscope so that the doctor can see the inside of the uterus on a screen. It is also possible to pass instruments through channels in the hysteroscope and perform operations inside the uterine cavity. This is called therapeutic hysteroscopy.

Digital consultation with fertility specialist


Would you like to speak with a fertility specialist about assisted reproduction? You can book a digital consultation with one of our doctors. Here, you will get answers to your questions regarding assisted reproduction, and advice on the next steps. Please note that this is only a digital conversation and does not involve a physical examination or any testing.

Individual treatments

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) with partner or donor sperm


In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)


Additional cost for Microinjection (ICSI)


Additional cost for surgical extraction of sperm (TESE, TESA or PESA)


In Vitro Fertilization with Microinjection(ICSI) on thawed eggs


The in vitro treatment includes preparation of a treatment plan, up to three ultrasound examinations performed at our own clinics, egg extraction, blastocyst cultivation in our laboratory, transfer and a potential pregnancy ultrasound (1 pc).

For vitrification (rapid freezing) of any surplus embryos, there is an additional cost of 4500 NOK. This means that one only pays for the freezing of embryos if there are any left over after an IVF attempt.

If there is a total freeze and no transer you will get the transfer in a new freeze attempt later, and you will only pay 6900,- for this (normal price is 17.000,-).

For IVF treatment with ICSI on thawed eggs, an additional cost of 17.000 NOK (FER) is incurred for embryo transfer. 


Package solutions (39 years or younger)

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) with partner or donor sperm 3-pack


In Vitro fertilization (IVF) 3-pack


IVF treatment with microinjection (ICSI) 3-pack


IVF treatment with microinjection (ICSI) og surgical extraction of sperm (TESE, TESA or PESA) 3-pack


The package solutions for in vitro fertilization are treatment packages that are used up if you have achieved childbirth or 3 egg retrievals are performed. If you freeze embryos, you can choose to replace one or two IVF attempts with two or four freezing attempts.

Package solutions for IUI are considered used up when you have achieved childbirth or tried 3 inseminations. In the event of a possible interruption, you will be billed separately for ultrasounds.

  • All our package solutions have an upper age limit of 42 years. For 42 years and younger there will still be an individual assessment from the gynocologist whether the couple can be offered a 3-pack solution based on the woman’s age and egg reserve.
  • The amount is paid before the first egg retrieval or insemination.
  • The pack must be used within 18 months.

For vitrification (rapid freezing) of any surplus embryos, there is an additional cost of 4500 NOK. This means that one only pays for the freezing of embryos if there are any left after an IVF attempt.

Package solutions (40-42 years)

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) with partner or donor sperm 3-pack


In Vitro fertilization (IVF) 3-pack


IVF treatment with microinjection (ICSI) 3-pack


IVF treatment with microinjection (ICSI) og surgical extraction of sperm (TESE, TESA or PESA) 3-pack


The package solutions for in vitro fertilization are treatment packages that are used up if you have achieved childbirth or 3 egg retrievals are performed. If you freeze embryos, you can choose to replace one or two IVF attempts with two or four freezing attempts.

Package solutions for IUI are considered used up when you have achieved childbirth or tried 3 inseminations. In the event of a possible interruption, you will be billed separately for ultrasounds.

  • All our package solutions have an upper age limit of 42 years. For 42 years and younger there will still be an individual assessment from the gynocologist whether the couple can be offered a 3-pack solution based on the woman’s age and egg reserve. 
  • The amount is paid before the first egg retrieval or insemination.
  • The pack must be used within 18 months. 

For vitrification (rapid freezing) of any surplus embryos, there is an additional cost of 4500 NOK. This means that one only pays for the freezing of embryos if there are any left after an IVF attempt.

Frozen embryo treatment

Replacement of thawed frozen embryos (FER)


Storage of frozen embryos, per year


This treatment method presupposes that IVF treatment have been carried out first, and good surplus embryos have been frozen. You then avoid the process of stimulation and egg retrieval.

The price for implanting thawed embryos include preparation of a treatment plan, up to three ultrasound examinations performed at our own clinics, thawing, insemination and a potential pregnancy ultrasound (1 pc).


Egg donation 2 blastocysts (included one transfer)

First downpayment (at the time of sperm freezing)


Second downpayment (before transfer)


The price for egg donation includes freezing of the mans sperm, work and costs of matching, recruitment and stimulation of donor, fertilization of a certain number of eggs and insemination of a thawed embryo. Any insemination of the second embryo is done according to the price for the freeze-thaw cycle.

The price of 120.000,- is based on trying to obtain 2 high-quality blastocysts (fertilized eggs, day 5). If there are either fewer or more embryos than what you have initially allocated eggs for, there will either be a reduction or increase in the price. Will it be e.g. only one fertilized egg, the price is reduced to 100.000,-.  If there are 3 or more fertilized eggs, the price will be 140.000,-

An advance of 20.000,- covers the costs in the event of an interruption during the process.

In the event of very reduced sperm quality following a non-obstructive TESE, an additional cost of 12.500,- may be added as a result of the extra work. This is agreed upon individually. 

Egg donation 4 blastocysts (included one transfer)

First downpayment (at the time of sperm freezing)


Second downpayment (before transfer)


The price for egg donation includes freezing of the mans sperm, work and costs of matching, recruitment and stimulation of donor, fertilization of a certain number of eggs and insemination of a thawed embryo. Any insemination of the second embryo is done according to the price for the freeze-thaw cycle.

An advance of 20.000,- covers the costs in the event of an interruption during the process.

In the event of very reduced sperm quality following a non-obstructive TESE, an additional cost of 12.500,- may be added as a result of the extra work. This is agreed upon individually. 

Partner donation


Partner donation 3-pack


The price for partner donation includes egg extraction from the donating partner, IVF treatment, implanting of embryo in recieving partner. Cost of donor sperm are in addition og may vary. You can read more about donor sperm costs in the additional information below, and in our Norwegian financial guide.

All our package solutions have an upper age limit of 42 years. For 42 years and younger there will still be an individual assessment from the gynocologist whether the couple can be offered a 3-pack solution based on the woman’s age and egg reserve. 

Harvest cycle (IVF)


The in vitro treatment includes preparation of a treatment plan, up to three ultrasound examinations performed at our own clinics, egg extraction, cultivation in our laboratory, insemination and vitrification (rapid freezing). Later frozen embryo treatment attempts are paid for as a normal freezing attempt.

Other services

Freezing of sperm


Freezing of embryos including storage for the first year.


Administrative cost of transferring cells or tissue to another clinic. 

Contact the clinic for price.

Fertility-coaching for patients at Medicus


Fertility-coaching for members of Fertilitetsreisen


Emergency IVF (after simple stimulation, few eggs)


Additional information

Sometimes the attempt can be interrupted. If this happens before the egg retrieval, part of the treatment will be refunded. If it occurs at or after egg retrieval, the attempt is considered completed. 

We have a collaboration with the Danish sperm bank Cryos. According to Norwegian law, the doctor is the one that chooses the donor, but you can give us your wishes about which donors you want us to choose from. However, you will not get to know which donor that is chosen for you in the end.

There are three types of profiles on

  • Simple profile: contains information about the donor’s physical characteristics.
  • Extended profile: extended information and a picture of the donor as a child.
  • Extended profile w/adult picture: extended information and a picture of the donor as an adult.

The price of donor sperm will depend on the type of donor profile you choose, as well as whether you are going to have IVF-treatment or insemination treatment. Contact us for an estimate for you.

To purchase donor straws at Cryos International you also have to purchase 1 familiy quota (previously referred to as “child right”. The sperm donor can give to up to 6 families per donor according to Norwegian Law. The family quota has a cost of 4.000,- which is in addition to the price for donor straw.

It is also possible to reserve donorsperm for future treatments, this adds a reservation fee to the price. The amount depends on how long you want to reserve it for, as well as the type of donor profile you choose. You will get more information about this early in the treatment process.  

Medicine costs are in addition and are paid directly to the pharmacies. The cost may vary: A woman who gets high doses of FSH (foil stimulating hormone) uses more than a younger woman who responds well to the lower dose.

A couple of examples of this:

  • A woman who needs 350 IU (international units) every day with FSH will be able to end up around 15.000,- if one includes the syringe to block ovulation and ovulation syringe.
  • If a woman needs less hormone doses, e.g. 150 IU we will end up on 10.000,- including all medications.

The medications used in the support treatment will cost between 500 and 1000 depending on the medication.

The state covers medicine costs beyond 19.149,- (2023) under certain criteria, you can read more about this at

Partial payment and deferral of payment

We have an agreement with Svea Finans on deferral of payment and partial payment. 

When you enter into an agreement for treatment with us, you will receive a link via SMS where you can pay by card, select an invoice, or choose partial payment or payment deferral. For costs over NOK 10 000 you can only choose between invoice or partial payment. 

You can easily choose on your phone whether you want 3 months interest- and installment-free downpayment, or downpayment over 6, 12 or 24 months.

The application requires a credit check, which is done immediately. You can easily apply in peace and quiet yourself, without the clinic being notified if you should be denied. Once the credit check has been approved, you choose the deferral period that suits you best. Both amount and deferral time can be changed afterwards. After that, all that remains is to sign with BankId. 

Svea will send you an invoice according to the downpayment period you have chosen. 

Egg freezing– One egg retrieval, including freezing


The price includes all necessary follow-up, from treatment planning to ultrasound follow-up during stimulation, egg retrieval and egg freezing.

Annual fee for storage of eggs in liquid nitrogen


Gynecological health check


Pap smear with a gynecologist


Early ultrasound or ultrasound later in pregnancy


NIPT-test including guidance, ultrasound, blood test, analysis and follow-up


Contraception guidance


Examination/treatment of bleeding disorders


Examination/treatment of Menopausal symptoms initial consultation


Examination/treatment of Menopausal symptoms follow-up consultation


Examination/treatment of endometriosis


Simple stimulation with ultrasound follow-up


Simple stimulation with blood test follow-up (blood test follow-up up to 3 cycles)






If you want extra services such as extra tests, insertion of IUD, replacement of the vaginal ring, insertion of implant, freezing treatment, anesthesia or a prescription, this is in addition. The same applies to the purchase of any material.


Iron infusion


Blood test


Consultation for Osteoporosis including DXA-scan


Consultation with endocrinologist


Blood test


Get an overview with our price guide

Do you find the prices for IVF confusing? Sign up for our finance guide here. (Norwegian only) Sign up to get our price guide here.

Partial payment and deferral of payment

We have an agreement with Svea Finans on deferral of payment and partial payment. 

When you enter into an agreement for treatment with us, you will receive a link via SMS where you can pay by card, select an invoice, or choose partial payment or payment deferral. For costs over NOK 10 000 you can only choose between invoice or partial payment. 

You can easily choose on your phone whether you want 3 months interest- and installment-free downpayment, or downpayment over 6, 12 or 24 months.

The application requires a credit check, which is done immediately. You can easily apply in peace and quiet yourself, without the clinic being notified if you should be denied. Once the credit check has been approved, you choose the deferral period that suits you best. Both amount and deferral time can be changed afterwards. After that, all that remains is to sign with BankId. 

Svea will send you an invoice according to the downpayment period you have chosen. 

Reservations and comments

We reserve the right to make changes in prices and procedures without any obligations other than what follows already concluded treatment agreements. We make reservations about any mistakes or changes in the price list, especially when it comes to external parties such as Cryos and pharmacies. 

Prices are valid from 01.01.2025.
