Menopause Ailments

Although you’re in menopause, you don’t have to worry. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of the treatment options available to them to seek help.

At Medicus, we have extensive experience in treating, guiding and helping women to diminish and get rid of ailments during menopause.

The cause of menopause problems

Menopause is the period before and after the last menstrual cycle and usually occurs at 45-55 years of age. The estrogen sex hormone disappears and many women experience different degrees of ailments such as these:

Menopause and Osteoporosis

The hormonal change also affects a woman’s bones. Untreated menopause can lead to lower bone mass and in some cases osteoporosis, which is something you should be aware of if you have osteoporosis in your family. Treatment also can counteract it.

How to treat menopause problems?

Many people get good results from hormone therapy in the form of a preparation or plaster, and it does not delay the ailments to later, as many believe. We also have local treatment for ailments with mucous membrane changes.

Talk to us if you have any menopausal problems.

MedicusPodden About Menopause Ailments

In the second episode of MedicusPodden you get to hear more about menopause ailments with our experienced gynecologist, Inger Øverlie.

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