Fertility Coaching
Fertility Coaching – a unique offer
A couple’s desire to have a child can sometimes raise many questions and emotional reactions. You may need support to keep a positive attitude and remain hopeful. At Medicus, we take this seriously and offer a unique coaching service with Mari Fevaag Heger.
Mari has a professional background as a social worker, coach, as well as several years of experience from child welfare and her own company. At Medicus, she works with couples during their fertility treatment and brings her own personal experience of trying to have a baby. After several unsuccessful attempts, she has had three lovely children in total, all from Medicus.
With Mari, you as an individual or you as a couple can get coaching and follow-ups on topics that aren’t necessarily about syringes and medications. You will be helped with:
- Preparing for and managing emotional challenges during treatment
- Maintaining the relationship, understanding each other’s reactions in the process
- Receiveing simple tools to handle the process in the best way possible
- Support in difficult choices and ethical dilemmas
- Keeping motivated and hopes up
Mari is happy to meet you personally or by phone/Skype and is available to everyone. Please contact us for information about the offer. You can read more blog posts on this subject in our blog (Norwegian only).
You can also follow the Fertility coach on Instagram for tips, advice, and support on the journey to having your child.
The first conversation turned everything on its head for us. The therapist taught us a lot about involuntary childlessness, and the various phases the couple goes through in a trial period.
Alexander and Catrine
MedicusPodden on Fertility coaching
The episodes are also available on iTunes and Spotify.
Follow the fertility coach on Instagram
Follow the Fertility coach on Instagram for tips, advice, and support along the way to having your child.
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